Subject-verb agreement is a key concept in English grammar that every student in Class X must master. It is the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence, which ensures that the sentence is grammatically correct and makes sense. The rule of subject-verb agreement states that the verb must agree with the number and person of the subject in a sentence. The following are some essential tips and rules that will help you to understand and apply subject-verb agreement correctly.

Rule 1: Singular subject with singular verb

When your subject is singular, the verb must also be singular. For instance, “The cat chases the mouse,” or “The boy runs to school.” In each of these sentences, the subject is singular, and the verb agrees with it by being singular as well.

Rule 2: Plural subject with plural verb

When your subject is plural, the verb must also be plural. For instance, “The girls dance ballet,” or “The birds fly away in flocks.” In each of these sentences, the subject is plural, and the verb agrees with it by being plural as well.

Rule 3: Compound subject with plural verb

When you have a compound subject – that is, two or more subjects joined by “and” – the verb should be plural. For instance, “Tom and Jerry play soccer in the park,” or “My sister and I love to read books.” In both of these sentences, the verb is plural as it agrees with the compound subject.

Rule 4: Singular subject with plural verb

Sometimes, a sentence can have a singular subject, but the verb should still be plural. When the singular subject represents a group or refers to things that are counted as plural, the verb should be plural. For example, “Three people are waiting for us” or “The trousers need to be washed.”

Rule 5: Collective nouns

Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things, such as “team,” “class,” or “family.” When the collective noun refers to a group as a whole, the verb should be singular. For example, “The team has won the championship” or “My family is planning a picnic.”

However, when the collective noun refers to multiple individuals within the group, the verb should be plural. For example, “The team were celebrating their victory” or “The family members were arguing with each other.”

In conclusion, understanding subject-verb agreement is essential in mastering English grammar, as it helps to ensure that your writing is both grammatically correct and clear. Keep in mind the above rules and tips as you write, and you`ll be sure to avoid many common grammatical mistakes.

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